Saturday 19 July 2014

How to make Wayang Kulit

Make Your Own Wayang-Kulit Puppet:

Make this puppet around 1 hour
What you will need:

  • Cardstock or cardboard from a cereal box

  • Scissors

  • Pencil

  • Paper fasteners (brads)

  • Tape

  • Hole punch

  • Dowels, chopsticks, popsicle sticks, or plastic straws

  • Decorative elements, such as crayons, markers, fabric, sequins, yarn, paint, glitter, tissue paper, etc.

  • Light-colored sheet and a flashlight or a bright lamp (for performance)
How- To:
Step 1: Draw a character on a piece of cardstock, and then cut it out. If you want the arms and legs to move, cut them separately from the puppet's body.
Photo by Ann Arbor Art Center
Step 2: Draw your own design on the puppet's body for detail, and color the puppet as you wish.
Photo by Ann Arbor Art Center
Step 3: Punch holes in the areas where you want to attach the puppet's arms and legs.
Photo by Ann Arbor Art Center
Step 4: Attach the body parts together using the paper fasteners.
Photo by Ann Arbor Art Center
Step 5: Add decoration to your puppet by attaching feathers, yarn, fabric, sequins, glitter, etc. with glue and tape and then let it dry.
Step 6: If you want, you can punch small holes in your puppet for light to shine through.
Photo by Ann Arbor Art Center
Step 7: Attach your popsicle sticks to the puppet by taping the sticks to the moving body parts. Place another popsicle stick to the body of the puppet for support.
Photo by Ann Arbor Art Center
Step 8: And now, your puppet is finished!
Photo by Ann Arbor Art Center

When you're done with your puppets, put on a Show!

  1. Hang up a large sheet in a doorway, and secure with tape.
  2. Shine a strong light source, such as a flashlight, or a bright lamp towards the screen.
  3. Sitting behind the light, place your puppets close to the screen, so the audience can see the silhouette.
  4. Use your puppet to tell a story, and maybe even perform a show with a friend!

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